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Call for comments on the Network Code on Emergency and Restoration

On 31 March 2015 the Agency received from ENTSO-E the Network Code on Emergency and Restoration, including its supporting document.

The Network Code on Emergency and Restoration as submitted by ENTSO-E can be found here
Pursuant to Article 6(7) of Regulation (EC) No 714/2009, the Agency shall provide a reasoned opinion on the network code within a period of three months. This opinion shall assess the compliance of the network code with the Framework Guidelines on Electricity System Operation adopted by the Agency on 2 December 2011.
In order to ensure transparency and involvement of stakeholders as early as possible in the process, the Agency invited all interested stakeholders to express in writing their views on the Network Code on Emergency and Restoration, as well as, encouraged stakeholders to coordinate and possibly submit their views in the frame of EU-wide associations.
In the course of the public consultation, running from 1 April to 29 April 2015, the Agency received 16 contributions, which are published below. Please note that any personal data has been removed from these contributions in line with the Agency’s policy to protect personal data.

The Agency published the evaluation of stakeholders’ responses after the formal submission of the opinion to ENTSO-E, accessible here: EoR-NC ER.pdfEoR-NC ER.pdf