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ACER Position on the draft electricity CBA

ACER position on the draft methodology for the electricity cost-benefit analysis    

ACER has issued a position on the draft methodology for the electricity cost-benefit analysis (CBA) for projects of common interest and for the preparation of the Ten Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP) by ENTSO-E on the investments required in electricity transmission systems at European level.     

ACER welcomes ENTSO-E’s actions and commitment, as recommended by ACER in its opinion on TYNDP 2012, regarding CBA improvements based on multi criteria approach; explanations to avoid double counting of economic effects; steps towards a consistent clustering approach throughout Europe; and wider span across scenarios on future system developments.     
Further improvements of the CBA are proposed in the ACER position, in particular with regard to: TYNDP assumptions; transparent and monetised calculation of benefits; consistent clustering across Europe by focusing on main investment items which materialise the expected benefits; equal treatment of the TSO and Third Party projects; and provision of inputs for cross-border cost allocation.     

ACER cooperates with ENTSO-E, the European Commission and the FP7-financed project THINK consortium to identify concrete proposals for achieving such improvements.     




