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Methodology, objective, background

In the last quarter of 2011 a dedicated market monitoring team commenced the work on the first market monitoring report. Starting from the relevant legislation, they developed a methodology to assess retail markets, network access and wholesale market integration. From this a set of indicators emerged for each of these three areas, which have been debated with national regulators, the Commission and relevant stakeholders. With a few indicators added and some topics analysed with a different level of detail, the same methodology was applied for the second market monitoring report and the third market monitoring report covering 2013.  The fourth market monitoring report (covering 2014) builds-on the methodology of the third edition and extents the methodology in retail markets by applying the so-called ACER Retail Competition Index (ARCI).

Following this the team has started to collect data from public and non-public sources to fill the selected indicators. For instance, the Agency is sourcing data from national regulators and benefiting from previous work executed by national regulators through CEER. In this respect the report will also benefit from the Regional Initiative platform and from the Customer and Retail Markets Working Group. As regards to public sources the Agency collects for example data from ENTSO platforms and EMOS. In sum, a vast majority of the data used in the 2013 market monitoring report is publicly available.

At this stage, the data collection process from NRAs for the Market Monitoring Report runs through both the CEER and RI in parallel each year. This is due to historical reasons. The CEER database is more focused on retail, whilst the RI template is focused on cross-border wholesale market integration.  

In 2015, the Agency commissioned a consultancy study  presenting an overview of the current forward electricity markets and ways to monitor the functioning and efficiency of these markets. It also includes proposals for monitoring the effect of the coming Forward Capacity Allocation Guideline.

The final report and the presentation of the study are accessible below:

  1. ECA study on European Electricity Forward Markets and Hedging Products – State of Play and Elements for Monitoring; and
  2. Power point presentation of the study.

In 2015, the Agency also commissioned an independent study to develop a methodology for the development of a composite index, the ‘ACER Retail Competition Index (ARCI)’. The methodology is using representative selection of the most important indicators presented and analysed in the retail chapter of the MMR. The index allows the results of the individual indicators to be summarised in a more comprehensive way and, on this basis, provides an indication of the relative performance of competition in MS’s retail markets. The final report with the methodology is available at: