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Report on capacity calculation and allocation

Pursuant to Article 31 of CACM Regulation, ENTSO-E needs to draft a report on capacity calculation and allocation and submit it to the Agency no later than 2 years after entry into force of CACM Regulation. The subsequent issues of this reports are to be delivered to the Agency every two years if requested so from the Agency. 


Action 1: In August 2017, ENTSO-E submitted to the Agency the first Biennial report on capacity calculation and allocation. You can find the report here.

Action 2: In August 2019, ENTSO-E submitted to the Agency a subsequent report on capacity calculation and allocation 2019, accessible here.


Report on harmonisation of capacity calculation methodology

Pursuant to Article 21 of the CACM Regulation, the harmonisation of capacity calculation methodology shall be subject to an efficiency assessment concerning the harmonisation of the flow-based methodologies and the coordinated net transmission capacity methodologies that provide for the same level of operational security. All TSOs shall submit the assessment with a proposal for the transition towards a harmonised capacity calculation methodology to all regulatory authorities within 12 months after at least two capacity calculation regions have implemented common capacity calculation methodology.


No actions have been completed yet with regard to this topic.


Report on harmonisation of redispatching and countertrading

Pursuant to Article 35 of the CACM Regulation, all TSOs in each capacity calculation region shall develop a report assessing the progressive coordination and harmonisation of mechanisms, agreements and proposals reflecting the right of the TSOs to redispatch all available generation units and loads in accordance with the appropriate mechanisms and agreements applicable to its control area, including interconnectors. The report shall be submitted to their respective regulatory authorities for their assessment. The proposals in the report shall prevent these mechanisms and agreements from distorting the market.


No actions have been completed yet with regard to this topic.


Report on operation of SDAC and SIDC

Pursuant to Article 37 of the CACM Regulation, all TSOs and all NEMOs shall review the operation of the price coupling algorithm and continuous trading matching algorithm no later than two years after the approval of the SDAC and AIDC algorithms and submit the report to the Agency. If requested by the Agency, the review shall then be repeated every second year.


No actions have been completed yet with regard to this topic.


Report on the costs of establishing, amending and operating SDAC and SIDC

Pursuant to Article 80 of the CACM Regulation, all relevant NEMOs and TSOs shall provide a yearly report to the regulatory authorities in which the costs of establishing, amending and operating single day-ahead and intraday coupling are explained in detail. Costs directly related to single day-ahead and intraday coupling shall be clearly and separately identified and auditable. The report shall also provide full details of contributions made to NEMO costs by TSOs in accordance with Article 76(2).

Action 1: In March 2019, the Agency published all NEMOs’ and all TSOs’ report on the costs of establishing, amending and operating SDAC and SIDC. In April 2019, all NEMOs together with all TSOs submitted a corrigendum of the report (page 12 only) and the Agency published it. 

You can find the report here.