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​Capacity Calculation

The target model, as defined by the CACM Framework Guidelines, specifies that TSOs need to apply an Available Transfer Capacity (ATC) or a Flow-based (FB) method. However a flow-based allocation method is clearly preferable for short-term capacity calculation in highly meshed and highly interdependent grids. In any case, a common grid model is to be used.     

By nature, the capacity calculation method and the market coupling method and algorithm are highly interdependent. The FB method and market coupling implementation must be coordinated.    

Coordination among the TSOs will be of key importance for successful implementation of the required capacity calculation method, for optimising the utilisation of the infrastructure and for implementing the flow-based allocation method. Coordination with regard to capacity calculation will be required among all TSOs not only when two regions apply the same method (FB or ATC) but also in cases when one region applies the FB and the other ATC-based calculations.     

Prior to switching to the FB method, the following requirements are to be fulfilled:     

  • Full coordination of principles and data;     
  • No negative impact of the FB method on system security;     
  • Increased social welfare brought about by the application of the FB method;     
  • Sufficient time provided for market participants to adapt to the new method;     
  • Work on and implementation of FB capacity calculation and market coupling need to be closely coordinated.     

CREG (BE) and E-Control (AT) are co-leading the Capacity Calculation project.     

The cross-regional roadmap on Capacity Calculation can be downloaded here: Final version Cross-Regional roadmap Capacity Calculation.pptFinal version Cross-Regional roadmap Capacity Calculation.ppt     

For the most recent developments, achievements and challenges related to this project, please read the quarterly reports.    

Regional Work plans 2011-2014 can be accessed here.     

The MoU on the implementation of flow-based market coupling in the CEE region can be accessed here.​