
Open call for experts to join ACER’s new Expert Group on EU-wide flexibility needs assessment

Renewable electricity

Open call for experts to join ACER’s new Expert Group on EU-wide flexibility needs assessment

What is it about?

ACER is establishing an Expert Group to assess flexibility needs in the EU electricity system. We are looking for professionals with expertise in power market modelling, energy markets, energy systems, energy economics, energy policy and energy regulations.

What will be the Expert Group’s focus?

Due to the massive ramp up of renewable energy, the EU’s power system flexibility needs are expected to double by 2030. The recently adopted Electricity Market Design (EMD) Regulation (2024) mandates ACER to conduct a pan-European flexibility needs assessment. The assessment, expected to be published in July 2027, will be based on the methodology currently being developed by the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) and DSO Entity.

Through this assessment, ACER will evaluate how well the EU’s electricity system can adapt to fluctuating demand and generation patterns to cost-effectively integrate increasing shares of variable renewables while ensuring security of supply. It will also evaluate the potential impact of introducing new measures to unlock flexibility on the European electricity markets.

This harmonised assessment will further provide the European Commission and other stakeholders with essential data and insights to inform policy decisions aimed at enhancing the resilience, stability, and efficiency of the EU's electricity market.

The Expert Group will support ACER in the development of a robust analytical tool to complete this assessment.

Experts will provide valuable insights and recommendations on:

  • modelling techniques and their implementation;
  • solutions to simulate and quantify the flexibility needs of the system; and
  • other key topics related to improving system flexibility. 

The group will operate for two years, i.e. until April 2027, with the possibility of extension if further engagement is needed.

How to apply?

Follow the instructions in the Open Letter, ensuring that you fulfil all the criteria. The deadline for applications is 10 February 2025.