South Gas Regional Initiative WORK PLAN 2015-2016
Regulators in the region – ERSE, CNMC and CRE – have drafted the Work Plan 2015-2016. The period of the new Work Plan covers the upcoming two years, which allows developing actions to reach the established goals in a suitable and stable time horizon. The five main work areas set up in the current Work Plan 2011-2014 -capacity allocation mechanisms, congestion management procedures, infrastructures, interoperability and hub development - continue to be part of the Work Plan 2015-2016.
Public Consultation SGRI WP.pdf
Start Date: 03/10/2014 - Deadline for responses: 24/10/2014
Responses received
Evaluation of responses
Evaluation of responses PC SGRI WP 2015-2016.pdf
Final document
GRI WP 2015-2016 Nov 2014_FINAL.pdf