Public consultation
Share your view

ACER consults to give interested stakeholders the opportunity to have a say in issues that affect them.
Your input informs our decisions and build trusts and confidence in the market.
On how we consult, we have a mix of open "public consultations" and "targeted consultations", where we ask specific questions.
- Public consultations typically take the form of an online survey.
- Targeted consultations are aimed at particular stakeholders (e.g. Transmission System Operators).
When do we consult?
To aid stakeholders' planning on when they can input to ACER consultations, see the topics we are consulting upon in 2025:
- 10 to 31 March 2025: Public consultation on inter-temporal cost allocation mechanisms for financing hydrogen infrastructure
- 20 March to 17 April 2025: Public consultation on the impact of peak-shaving products on the EU electricity market under normal market conditions
On the duration of how long we consult, we:
- strive for clear and realistic timeframes for input. The duration is decided case-by-case, depending on the complexity of the issue and ACER's legal timelines to reach a decision.
To be transparent and accountable, we:
- Explain in our consultations the objectives, what we would like from you and the next steps.
- Publish all (non-confidential) submissions received. Parties wishing to submit confidential information should do so in accordance with Article 9 of ACER Decision 19/2019.
- Publish the outcome of our consultation and an Evaluation of Responses to explain how the main comments were taken into account.
- Treat confidential information in line with our Data Privacy Notice.
Open consultations
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