Security of Supply
Security of Supply
Security of Supply

The projects of common Interest naturally contribute to enhance the security of the European gas supply. The degree of this contribution is assessed with the help of the cost-benefit analysis methodology.
Under the European regulation on security of gas supply, ACER is mandated to decide on CBCA reverse flow projects, to issue Opinions on exemption requests and on the elements of coordinated decisions taken by national authorities, as well as to participate in the Gas Coordination Group.
In its opinions on the cost-benefit methodology for gas, ACER advises on how to improve specific issues connected with security of supply.
To better identify the benefits of a stable gas supply, ACER has carried out a dedicated study on the cost of disrupted gas supply (CoDG).
The study provides findings and suggestions for establishing a baseline of negative impact against which the merits of a project or “soft measure" can be assessed.
Security of Supply
Summer & winter outlooks
ACER is mandated to monitor the short-term gas supply outlooks published by ENTSOG for both winter and summer periods.
The summer outlook examines the potential evolution of the gas supply as well as the ability of the gas infrastructures to meet the demand, exports, and the storage injection needs during the summer.
The winter outlook assesses the storage levels before the winter season begins and uses simulations to assess the flexibility of gas infrastructure to dispatch gas supply to meet demand during the winter.
Security of Supply
Gas storages

Gas storages play an important role in the European gas system as they supply up to 25-30% of the total gas consumed in the Union during winter. The energy crisis which followed Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 underscored the importance of having adequately filled gas storages across Europe to enhance the preparedness for potential gas supply disruptions.
ACER, based on information provided by NRAs, periodically reviews and reports on national gas storage regulations.