Coordination on cases
Coordination on cases
What's the role of ACER?

When a REMIT breach is found in the European wholesale energy markets, the final decision of enforcing the REMIT breach lies with the relevant national regulatory authority (NRA). ACER facilitates the delivery of consistent case-related decisions from the European NRAs in a coordinated way.
This decentralised approach fosters the prohibitions of market manipulation and insider trading, the obligations to publish inside information, to report data, to register as a market participant, to report suspicious behaviour as well as to have mechanisms in place to detect suspicious market behaviours.
ACER ensures the REMIT breach case reviews and investigations occur in a harmonised way. The Agency also coordinates with the European Securities and Market Authority (ESMA), financial authorities, competition and other relevant authorities.
Coordination on cases
How to achieve case coordination?
Case coordination is currently achieved via:
Specific coordination activities (mostly case meetings and exchanges of information)