REMIT Expert Groups

Fostering market integrity and transparency

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​​​​ACER can set up expert groups to provide ad hoc support and advice on REMIT topics.

In appointing the expert groups' members, ACER seeks to ensure a balanced representation of market participants, organised markets and other persons professionally arranging transactions, users and distributors of wholesale energy market information (e.g. information providers, analysts), and ENTSOs.​

On 1 December 2022, a call was launched for an expert group on LNG price assessment/benchmarks. This expert group will provide advice and contribute to ACER’s new tasks related to LNG price assessment and/or benchmarks.

On 23 October 2023, a call was launched for two new REMIT expert groups. One expert group on wholesale energy market integrity and transparency and one expert group on wholesale energy market data reporting. These expert groups will advise and contribute to ACER’s work on issues related to REMIT surveillance, conduct, integrity, and transparency and REMIT data reporting.

The groups meet on an ad hoc basis, at least twice per year.​