Incremental capacity

Incremental capacity

What is it about?

Rules for incremental capacity propose an EU-wide harmonised and market-based approach to identify a need for incremental capacity, to decide on additional investments at an interconnection point, and to allocate both existing and incremental capacity in an integrated way. Incremental capacity refers to a possible increase of technical capacity currently available at existing Interconnection Points (IPs) or to a newly created interconnection point.

Incremental capacity

A brief historic introduction

Incremental_Capacity resume

The first and second incremental processes took place in July 2017 and in July 2019, respectively.


Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/459 establishing a network code on capacity allocation mechanisms in gas transmission systems and repealing Regulation.


Agency recommendation on the amendment to the NC CAM to the European Commission for adoption


ENTSOG amendment proposal to the Network Code on CAM submitted to the Agency


Agency guidance to ENTSOG on the development of amendment proposals to the Network Code on Capacity Allocation Mechanism on incremental and new capacity
CEER Blueprint on Incremental Gas Capacity
Impact assessment of policy options on incremental capacity for EU gas transmission


Conclusions of the 22nd Madrid Forum inviting NRAs to develop a blueprint on how 'new build' capacity at interconnection points can be integrated into an EU-wide market-based approach


CEER Gas Target Model concluding that efficient, market-driven and timely infrastructure investments for interconnection capacity are needed to support the completion of the internal energy market

Incremental capacity

What does ACER say?

Agency decision on the incremental capacity project proposal for the Mosonmagyaróvár interconnection point​


​As the National Regulatory Authorities for energy in Austria (E-Control) and Hungary (MEKH) did not agree on a coordinated incremental capacity proposal for the Mosonmagyaróvár interconnection point within the legal deadline, the decision was referred to ACER. The Agency issued a decision to replace the national decisions.​​