Tariff consultation template
Tariff consultation template
What is it?

The Tariff consultation template facilitates the interactions between ACER and the NRAs or TSOs in the context of the national consultations' review. ACER strongly recommends its usage while carrying out the tariff consultation.
The template explicates the requirements to be fulfilled by the consultations (not intended to constitute additional legal requirements).
The template allows:
A checklist of consultation obligations on the Reference Price Methodologies: providing a summary of the final consultation.
The submission of consultation documentation to ACER.
Publication of consultation summary submitted by the NRAs or TSOs on ACER website containing the appropriate references to the national consultation document(s).
Access to these summaries for stakeholders on ACER website.
Tariff consultation template
Editing and submission instructions
The online template can be filled as of its date of publication (5 July 2017). It can be saved as a draft and can be subsequently updated following the steps of the national process until the final submission.
When saving the template as a draft, the tool provides a link which is necessary to continue editing the draft.
Once the online template is submitted, the tool provides a Case ID which allows editing the online tool post submission.