Individual Decisions Share on: Search Decisions 13.02.2025 ACER Decision No 02-2025 concerning risk hedging opportunities for the NL and NO2 bidding zones Annexes ACER Decision 02-2025 - Annex I - EoR Decisions 30.01.2025 ACER Decision No 01-2025 on the amendment to the harmonised cross-zonal capacity allocation methodology Annexes ACER Decision 01-2025 - Annex I ACER Decision 01-2025 - Annex Ia ACER Decision 01-2025 - Annex II ACER Decision 01-2025 - Annex IIa ACER Decision 01-2025 - Annex III - EoR Decisions 26.09.2024 ACER Decision No 13-2024 on amendments to products that can be taken into account in the single day-ahead coupling Annexes ACER Decision 13-2024 - Annex I ACER Decision 13-2024 - Annex Ia Decisions 26.09.2024 ACER Decision No 12-2024 on the amendment of the methodology for calculating scheduled exchanges resulting from single day-ahead coupling Annexes ACER Decision 12-2024 - Annex I ACER Decision 12-2024 - Annex Ia Decisions 24.09.2024 ACER Decision No 11-2024 on amendments to the price coupling algorithm and the continuous trading matching algorithm Annexes ACER Decision 11-2024 - Annex I ACER Decision 11-2024 - Annex Ia ACER Decision 11-2024 - Annex II ACER Decision 11-2024 - Annex IIa ACER Decision 11-2024 - Annex III ACER Decision 11-2024 - Annex IIIa ACER Decision 11-2024 - Annex IV ACER Decision 11-2024 - Annex IVa ACER Decision 11-2024 - Annex V - EoR Decisions 24.07.2024 ACER Decision No 10-2024 on the Continental Europe Synchronous Area NRAs' extension request to decide on the proposal for a probabilistic dimensioning approach for frequency containment reserves Decisions 09.07.2024 ACER Decision No 09-2024 on the methodology for pricing balancing energy and cross-zonal capacity Annexes ACER Decision 09-2024 - Annex I ACER Decision 09-2024 - Annex Ia ACER Decision 09-2024 - Annex II ACER Decision 09-2024 - Annex IIa ACER Decision 09-2024 - Annex III - EoR Decisions 09.07.2024 ACER Decision No 08-2024 on the exchange of balancing energy from frequency restoration reserves with automatic activation Annexes ACER Decision 08-2024 - Annex I ACER Decision 08-2024 - Annex Ia ACER Decision 08-2024 - Annex II ACER Decision 08-2024 - Annex IIa ACER Decision 08-2024 - Annex III - EoR Decisions 14.05.2024 ACER Decision No 07-2024 on the amendment of the methodology for coordinating operational security analysis Annexes ACER Decision 07-2024 - Annex I ACER Decision 07-2024 - Annex Ia