Consistency of National and EU-wide Network Development Plans
Consistency of National and EU-wide Network Development Plans
A two-way interaction

Development of the electricity transmission networks is crucial for market integration, security of supply and sustainability in Europe. The EU-wide Network Development Plan (EU TYNDP) developed by ENTSO-E is a major tool for coordinated and efficient network planning. However, given its non-binding nature, the TYNDP implementation strongly depends on National Development Plans (NDP).
This highlights the need for an efficient two-way interaction between the NDPs and the TYNDP.
Consistency of National and EU-wide Network Development Plans
What's the role of ACER?
ACER assesses the consistency of the NDPs with the EU TYNDP. In case ACER identifies inconsistencies between the two, ACER recommends appropriate amendments.
Consistency of National and EU-wide Network Development Plans
What does ACER say?
ACER found a growing consistency of the NDPs with the EU TYNDP over time. Yet, it identified that some of the national practices may negatively impact the robustness, credibility and transparency of the NDPs or they could result in inconsistencies with the EU TYNDP.
Therefore, ACER advised a number of measures to be pursued by the responsible parties when developing, reviewing or adopting the NDPs.