Monitoring security of energy supply
Monitoring security of energy supply

The Clean Energy for All Europeans Package has enhanced ACER’s role in monitoring security of energy supply. In particular, ACER regularly monitors:
- Member States’ performance in ensuring security of supply;
- the application of dedicated measures, such as capacity mechanisms.
Monitoring security of energy supply
ACER monitoring reports
ACER’s latest reports focus on key security of supply areas, including:
the implementation status of the EU adequacy framework;
adequacy assessments across Europe;
updates on the status of capacity mechanisms and insights into their design;
other national measures addressing security of supply.
These reports also provide recommendations on improving the EU’s energy security of supply framework.
Monitoring security of energy supply
Building blocks of the EU adequacy framework
The EU adequacy framework is defined by three regulations: the Electricity Regulation, the Risk Preparedness Regulation, and the ACER Regulation. These require the development of specific methodologies:
ACER monitors the implementation of these methodologies to promote a robust and efficient framework for the European security of supply.
Adequacy metrics
Identifying the right metrics to evaluate adequacy is key to monitor the European security of energy supply.
The adequacy metrics methodology helps Member States set electricity reliability standards based on consumer willingness to pay for security of electricity supply.
Through its monitoring, ACER observed substantial discrepancies in the way Member States calculated these metrics. To understand the reasons of such discrepancies and evaluate how the methodology is being implemented, ACER commissioned a consultancy study in August 2023. Its findings were presented in a webinar (in June 2024) and will inform ACER’s next security of supply report (expected in Autumn 2024).