Gas Regional Initiatives
Gas Regional Initiatives
Bringing market participants together to test solutions and develop best practices

The Gas Regional Initiatives (GRIs) bring market participants together to test solutions for cross-border issues and to develop pilot projects that can be exported to other regions.
The European internal gas market has been divided in four main regions:
South GRI
South South-East GRI
North-West (currently inactive)
Regional Gas Market Coordination Group (Baltic Region) (informally joined the initiative in 2018)
Gas Regional Initiatives
Different fora for stakeholders' enagagement
The Initiatives have contributed to noticeable developments in different areas such as capacity allocation, infrastructure development and market integration.
Progresses were possible thanks to effective stakeholders' engagement ensured in different fora:
• Regional Coordination Committee (RCC)
Composed by all NRAs of the region, it coordinates, facilitates and drives forward the regional priority projects. The European Commission and national governments may provide useful input to identify and solve specific issues.
• Implementation Group (IG)
Includes the relevant infrastructure operators (transmission systems, interconnectors, LNG and storage facilities) and provides a technical framework for implementing effective solutions.
• Stakeholders Group (SG)
All other key market participants and consumers are brought together in each region to engage in the discussions.
The Regional Initiatives developed regional Work Plans and cross-regional Roadmaps (in cooperation with ENTSOG), in order to promote the implementation of the Network Codes and market integration.