What is it about?

ACER monitors the effective implementation of the Gas Balancing Network Code and shares its findings in dedicated reports. Most reports used an enhanced review of the country assessments for all or a large subset of balancing zones, focusing on key features of the balancing design.
What are the main findings?
Interim measures have been terminated in most countries and Code implementation has reached a high degree across Europe, with a few exceptions due to structural market limitations.
What does ACER say?
ACER recommends to increase transparency on information provision, also beyond the minimum requirements, and to explore possible efficiency gains (e.g. via balancing zone mergers) to overcome the persisting structural market limitations that do not allow full code implementation.
What is the Balancing Analytical Framework and how it can serve monitoring?
The Balancing Analytical Framework builds on analysing neutrality as a key indicator to understand robust gas accounting and wider regime performance. The Balancing Analytical Framework serves as a quantitative comparison tool, to quantify whether the role of the TSO is residual in balancing or whether network users play an active role, while shedding light on imbalance price differences and neutrality accounting. The framework facilitates comparisons between various balancing regimes in the European Union. The data used in the analysis was provided by ENTSOG and complemented and validated by the Agency.
To facilitate the discussion and sharing of best practices on the Code's implementation, a series of workshops was organised. These debates included inputs from the Agency, ENTSOG and representatives of the network user community.
ACER gas balancing dashboard
Check out ACER's gas balancing dashboard & learn how to interact with it.
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2018Eurogas, CEDEC and GEODE collaborated in discussing information provision models and options.2017The workshop addressed within-day balancing obligations.The discussions focussed on the Balancing Analytical Framework developed by the Agency, information provision and the importance of linepack information.2016The workshop fostered knowledge sharing across the national implementations of the Code, encouraging the adoption of best practices. The event discussed the importance of planning national implementation, information provision, daily imbalance charges, and neutrality.