Middle and Low Value Contracts
Middle and Low Value Contracts
About negotiated procedures

For supplies and services contracts with a value above EUR 15,000 and equal to or below EUR 142,999 ACER uses the negotiated procedures for middle and low value contracts.
According to the negotiated procedures, the Agency invites candidates of its choice to submit an offer.
As the Agency wants to keep cooperation opportunities as open as possible, you are invited to express your interest following the procedure below.
Middle and Low Value Contracts
How to apply
1. To be invited to submit an offer for a forthcoming negotiated procedure, register your interest for a specific procedure by sending an e-mail to: ACERProcurement(at)acer.europa.eu before the deadline.
For each procedure a separate email is required.
2. Make sure your email contains the following details:
Full name of the legal entity (if the expression of interest is on behalf of the legal entity) and the main contact person.
Full name of the individual (if the expression of interest is from a private person).
Full postal address.
E-mail address where the invitation should be received.
The number of the procedure you are applying for.
Middle and Low Value Contracts
Forthcoming negotiated procedures
There are no forthcoming negotiated procurement procedures.