Market abuse
Market abuse
What's the role of REMIT?

REMIT protects the integrity of wholesale electricity and gas markets by reducing instances of market abuse and increases the EU consumers' confidence in market outcomes.
Market abuse can be either market manipulation or insider trading.
REMIT prohibits market participants to engage in or attempt market manipulation. This includes performing false or misleading transactions, price positioning which secures or attempts to secure the price at an artificial level, as well as transactions involving fictitious devices or deception, and the dissemination of false and misleading information.
REMIT prohibits using or disclosing inside information or recommending other persons to use inside information – with few strict exemptions.
When you suspect a breach of REMIT, do not hesitate to report this through the Notification Platform.
Market abuse
Overview of REMIT cases
The first figure shows the stock of potential REMIT breaches under assessment by NRAs at the end of each year.
The second figure shows the type of REMIT breaches reported to or by the Agency as a percentage over the total number of potential REMIT breaches reported.
The map shows the number of ongoing potential REMIT breach cases under assessment per Member State.