This report highlights major trends in EU energy markets in 2024, focusing on the interaction between gas and electricity. It sets out ACER’s recommendations on how Europe can unlock a clean, secure, and competitive energy future.
This second RCC monitoring report assesses RCCs' performance in 2023 (their first full year of operation) and offers recommendations for future reporting.
ACER publishes its report on the implementation of the Inter-Transmission System Operator Compensation Mechanism (ITC) for 2023.
The report assesses whether the proposed reference price methodology (RPM) complies with the requirements of the Network Code on Harmonised Transmission Tariff structures.
The report assesses whether the proposed Reference Price Methodology (RPM) complies with the requirements of the Network Code on Harmonised Transmission Tariff structures.
ACER releases its report on the Romanian gas transmission tariffs directed at ANRE, the Romanian NRA.
The multi-annual work 'Single programming document 2025-2027' sets out ACER’s strategic goals and priorities in upcoming years, and ACER’s 2025 annual work programme.
ACER’s first Monitoring Report on electricity infrastructure emphasises that a cost-effective development of distribution, transmission and cross-border capacities is instrumental to achieve a secure, sustainable and competitive EU energy system.
ACER’s Monitoring Report on security of supply shows that despite adverse conditions, the electricity system maintained reliable supply in 2022 and 2023. However, as electricity prices are still higher than pre-crisis levels, affordability remains a key concern