In this report, ACER provides recommendations on the proposed gas transmission tariffs for the Polish pipeline system.
The multi-annual work 'Single programming document 2024-2026' sets out ACER’s strategic goals and priorities in upcoming years, and ACER’s 2024 annual work programme.
This report identifies the main regulatory barriers and market restrictions that hindered the participation of distributed energy resources (i.e., demand response, energy storage and distributed generation) in the European wholesale electricity markets and system operation services in 2022.
In this report, ACER provides recommendations to the Polish national regulatory authority in relation to the tariff methodology applicable for the Transit Gas Pipeline System (TGPS).
In this report, ACER assesses the methodology proposed for calculating the tariffs applicable to transmission networks in France.
The report evaluates the functioning of the EU’s internal electricity market in 2022, and assesses whether the electricity markets were contributing to the delivery of clean, affordable, and reliable energy and therefore effectively pushing towards the decarbonisation targets set by the European Green Deal.
This ACER-CEER report provides an overview of the latest developments in European gas markets and examines the drivers of the gas price spikes in summer 2022.
A joint report by ACER and EEA underlines the need to double the flexibility of Europe’s power system to keep pace with the growth in renewables from variable sources, such as wind and solar.
ACER's report finds a lag in implementing the EU framework to assess and tackle electricity security of supply risks in a coordinated manner.