Closed calls - Archive
Closed calls - Archive
2021 - 2024
16.07.2024 - ACER/2024/OP/0011: Provision of Internet connectivity and telecommunication services for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (LOT 1: Internet connectivity services; LOT 2: Office-based telecommunication services; LOT 3: Mobile telephony and data services)
Closing date: 04/09/2024 by 16:00 hours local time
25.06.2024 - ACER/2024/OP/0004: Provision of services of temporary agency work to the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
Closing date: 20/08/2024 by 16:00 hours local time
28.02.2024 - ACER/2024/OP/0001: Provision of assistance in the implementation of the Leadership Pipeline Framework and the provision of 360 Feedback exercise assessment for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
Closing date: 10/04/2024 by 16:00 hours local time
08.03.2024 - ACER/NEG/FM/05/2024: Notice on prospection for office premises for the Agency’s headquarters in Ljubljana, Slovenia
Closing date: 25/03/2024 by 18:00 hours local time
Last update: Not applicable.
19.10.2023 - ACER/OP/CS/31/2023: Provision of maintenance services for burglar-proof and bullet-proof doors with automatic lock, fire doors with automatic lock and electric sliding glass doors with automatic lock for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
Closing date: 23/11/2023 by 16:00 hours local time
18.07.2023 – ACER/OP/ED/26/2023: Study on the Welfare Potential of Co-optimised Allocation of Cross-zonal Capacity between the Balancing Capacity and Day-ahead Electricity Markets for the Agency
Closing date: 16/08/2023 by 16:00 hours local time
11.07.2023 – ACER/OP/IGR/23/2023: A Report on Benefit-based Remuneration of Efficient Infrastructure Investments for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
Closing date: 08/08/2023 by 16:00 hours local time
24.08.2022 – ACER/OP/CS/03/2022: Provision of consultancy services in the areas of security, occupational health and safety and business continuity for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
Closing date: 18/10/2022 by 16:00 hours local time
13.04.2022 – ACER/NEG/CS/10/2022: Notice on prospection for office premises for the Agency’s headquarters in Ljubljana, Slovenia
Closing date: 18/05/2022
Last update: 05/05/2022
10.08.2021 - ACER/OP/LS/20/2021: Assistance in Data Protection Compliance Pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
Closing date: 14.09.2021, 16:00 h local time
01.06.2021 - ACER/OP/CS/03/2021: Provision of medical services for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
Closing date: 06.07.2021, 16:00 h local time
25.05.2021 - ACER/OP/CS/02/2021: Provision of services of temporary agency work to the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
Closing date: 29.06.2021, 16:00 h local time
02.04.2021 - ACER/OP/GAS/01/2021: Provision of maintenance, support and development services for Java applications for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
Closing date: 18.05.2021, 16:00 h local time
2020 - 2016
12.10.2020 - ACER/OP/CS/02/2020: Provision of maintenance, support and development services for SharePoint applications for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
Closing date: 12.11.2020, 16:00 h local time
24.09.2020 - ACER/OP/CS/03/2020: Provision of Internet Connectivity and Telecommunication Services for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
Closing date: 27.10.2020, 16:00 h local time extended to 03.11.2020, 16:00 h local time
08.07.2020 - ACER/OP/GAS/09/2020: Provision of subscriptions for specialised press/reporting for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Enrgy Regulators
Closing date: 10.08.2020
Contract award notice
30.04.2019 - ACER/OP/DO/07/2019: Provision of maintenance and development services for the websites of the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
Closing date: 05.06.2019
Contract award notice
27.10.2018 - ACER/OP/DO/14/2018: Provision of maintenance and development services for the websites of the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
Closing date: 05.12.2018
Contract award notice
30.08.2017 - ACER/OP/DO/13/2017: Provision of legal and economic assistance in the field of energy regulation for the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
Closing date: 12.10.2017
Procurement documents
Contract award notice
10.07.2017 - ACER/OP/MIT/10/2017: IT system integration services and IT consultancy services for the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
Closing date: 04.09.2017
Procurement documents
Contract award notice Lot 1
Contract award notice Lot 2
27.05.2017 - ACER/OP/ADMIN/07/2017: Provision of medical services for the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
Closing date: 29.06.2017 extended to 04.07.2017
Procurement documents
Contract award notice
27.05.2017 - ACER/OP/ADMIN/12/2017: Provision of temporary agency workers to the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
Closing date: 06.07.2017 extended to 11.07.2017
Procurement documents
Contract award notice
27.05.2017 - ACER/OP/DO/11/2017: Provision of consultancy services in the areas of security, business continuity and data protection for the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
Closing date: 12.07.2017 extended to 17.07.2017
Procurement documents
Contract award notice Lot 1
Contract award notice Lot 2
Contract award notice Lot 3
21.10.2016 - ACER/OP/ADMIN/08/2016: Provision of legal services in appeal cases to the Board of Appeal of the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
Closing date: 22.11.2016
Procurement documents
Answers to questions
Contract award notice
22.10.2016 - ACER/OP/ADMIN/12/2016: Provision of Internet connectivity ad fixed telephony services for the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
Closing date: 24.11.2016
Procurement documents
Contract award notice
30.07.2016 - ACER/OP/ADMIN/07/2016: Provision of maintenance and development services for the IT applications of the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
Closing date: 22.09.2016
Procurement documents
Answers to questions
Annex I.A: Reference table
Annex I.A: Reference table - updated
Corrigendum no. 1 to Contract Notice
Annex I: Tender specifications - Corrigendum to point 17.2
Annex I: Tender specifications in Czech language
Contract award notice for Lot 1
Contract award notice for Lot 2
26.07.2016 - ACER/OP/ADMIN/06/2016: Provision of Internet connectivity, fixed and mobile telephony services for the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
Closing date: 05.07.2016
Procurement documents
Corrigendum no. t to Contract Notice
Annex I: Tender specifications - Corrigendum to point 4.1.4
Annex II: Financial offer - new
Contract award notice for Lot 1
Contract award notice for Lot 2
31.05.2016 - ACER/OP/MMD/04/2016: IT hosting services for the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
Closing date: 05.07.2016
Procurement documents
Answers to questions
Contract award notice
2015 - 2012
03.09.2014 - ACER/OP/ADMIN/10/2014: Provision of temporary agency workers to the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
Closing date: 28.10.2014
Tender documentation
Answers to questions
Contract award notice
22.07.2014 - ACER/OP/DO/03/2014: Provision of maintenance and development services for the websites of the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
Closing date:11.09.2014 - extended to 01.10.2014
Tender documentation
Answers to questions
Corrigendum no. 1 to Contract Notice
Corrigendum no. 2 to Contract Notice
Annex I: Tender specifications - Corrigendum to point 21.2
20.05.2014 – ACER/OP/ADMIN/04/2014: Provision of catering services for the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
Closing date: 10/07/2014
05.02.2014 – ACER/OP/DO/02/2014: Provision of printing services for the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
Closing date: 16/04/2014
Corrigendum to the Contract Notice
Annex II Financial Offer - NEW
13.08.2013 – ACER/OP/MMD/09/2013: Provision of IT consultancy services for the implementation of the Agency's REMIT Information System (ARIS) for the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
Closing date: 01/10/2013
13.08.2013 – ACER/OP/DIR/08/2013: Provision of legal, economic and technical assistance in the field of energy regulation for the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
Closing date: 30/09/2013
Contract award notice for Lot 2
Contract award notice for Lot 3
Contract award notice for Lot 1
30.07.2013 – ACER/OP/MMD/12/2013: IT infrastructure hosting services for the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
Closing date: 17/09/2013
30.07.2013 – ACER/OP/DIR/10/2013: Provision of printing services for the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
Closing date: 16/09/2013
25.03.2013 – ACER/OP/ADMIN/03/2013: Provision of medical services for the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
Closing date: 14/05/2013
Last update: Not applicable.
10.10.2012 – ACER/OP/ADMIN/22/2012: Software acquisition channel and related services for the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
Closing date: 20/11/2012 extended to 27/11/2012
Last update: 23/10/2012
Corrigendum to the Contract Notice
Answers to questions from 1 to 4
15.10.2012 – Call for Expression of Interest - Provision of legal and administrative support services - Registrar of the Board of Appeal
Closing date: 23/10/2012 by 23:59 hours Ljubljana time
Last update: Not applicable
14.09.2012 – ACER/NEG/ADMIN/23/2012: Notice on prospection for office premises for the Agency’s headquarters in Ljubljana, Slovenia
Closing date: 22/10/2012
Last update: 15/10/2012
Manual of standard building specifications (MIT), 2004 edition
29.08.2012 – ACER/OP/ADMIN/21/2012: Market monitoring system for the Agency’s REMIT Information System (ARIS)
Closing date: 16/10/2012
Last update: 11/10/2012
Answers to questions from 1 to 2
Answers to questions from 3 to 4
Answers to questions from 5 to 9
Answers to questions from 10 to 11
Answers to questions from 12 to 15
Answers to questions from 17 to 26
Answers to questions from 27 to 30
14.08.2012 – ACER/OP/ADMIN/19/2012: Provision of interim services for the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
Closing date: 03/10/2012
Last update: 14/09/2012
Answers to questions from 2 to 3
Answers to questions from 4 to 6
14.08.2012 - ACER/OP/ADMIN/17/2012: Supply of office stationery and office material for the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
Closing date: 04/10/2012
Last update: 28/09/2012
14.08.2012 - ACER/OP/ADMIN/16/2012: Provision of Internet connectivity, fixed and mobile telephony services for the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
Closing date: 02/10/2012
Last update: 29/09/2012
18.06.2012 - ACER/OP/ADMIN/12/2012: Web applications development services and IT consultancy services for the implementation of REMIT Information System (ARIS) for the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
Closing date: 10/08/2012
Last update: 03/08/2012
Answers to questions from 1 to 2
Answers to questions from 3 to 5
Answers to questions from 8 to 10
Answers to questions from 11 to 14
Answers to questions from 15 to 16
Answers to questions from 17 to 44
Answers to questions from 45 to 58
Answers to questions from 59 to 67
Answers to questions from 68 to 81
Contract award notice for Lot 1
18.06.2012 – ACER/OP/ADMIN/14/2012: IT infrastructure hosting services for the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
Closing date: 10/08/2012
Last update: 31/07/2012
Answers to questions from 1 to 23
Answers to questions from 24 to 32
Answers to questions from 33 to 61
07.05.2012 – ACER/NEG/ADMIN/10/2012 Language training for staff members of the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
Closing date: 20/06/2012 extended to 27/06/2012
Last update: 18/06/2012
09.02.2012 - ACER is looking to rent or lease business premises
Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) is looking to rent or lease business premises as of 1 February 2013, but not later than 30 June 2013
Agencija za sodelovanje energetskih regulatorjev namerava najeti ali kupiti poslovne prostore, kateri bi naj bili na voljo 1. februarja 2013 oziroma ne kasneje kot 30. junija 2013.
Closing date: 08/03/2012
Last update: Not applicable.