Monitoring the implementation of Grid Connection Codes

ACER, together with the European Network of Transmission System Operators (ENTSO-E), oversees the implementation of the Grid Connection Network Codes to ensure they promote market integration, prevent discrimination, encourage effective competition, and contribute to the efficient functioning of the European electricity markets.
To do so, ACER issues implementation monitoring reports on the status of every Term, Condition, or Methodology (TCM), and provides continuous oversight of specific implementation aspects (e.g., if national derogation decisions apply, lifting specific obligations from the network code).
Derogations monitoring
ACER monitors the implementation of the RfG Regulation, DCC Regulation, and HVDC Regulation and their national derogation decisions.
In case a justification is missing, ACER may issue a reasoned recommendation to a regulatory authority to revoke the derogation.
The RECORD tool
NRAs must maintain a register of all derogations they have granted (or refused) and provide ACER with an updated register at least once every six months. ACER then monitors and analyses the information provided.
ACER’s RECORD tool provides a centralised register where regulatory and other relevant authorities can log all derogation and revocation decisions. The tool also serves as a single source of information for stakeholders wishing to access derogation criteria as defined by the NRAs or the Member States’ relevant authorities and their decisions.
Before submitting information on the RECORD tool, relevant authorities need to register on the AEGIS portal. Access the manual for registered RECORD users.
ACER Reporting
RfG |
October 2017: 1st Implementation Monitoring Report of the Network Code on Requirements for Grid Connection Generators. |
November 2019: 2nd Implementation Monitoring Report of the Network Code on Requirements for Grid Connection of Generators. |
December 2020: 3rd Implementation Monitoring Report of the Network Code on Requirements for Grid Connection of Generators. |
December 2020: 2nd Implementation Monitoring Report of the Network Code on Demand and HVDC Connections. |
November 2021: follow-up Report on Monitoring the Implementation of the Grid Connection Network Codes. The document provides an updated analysis of the compliance issues identified in previous monitoring exercises by clustering them in seven topics concerning NC RfG and seven topics concerning NC DC and NC HVDC, including: |
- the approval of the requirements of general applications, and
- the presence of discrepancies (at national level) compared to the values in the corresponding Network Codes.