Clean Energy Package
Fostering a clean energy transition for all Europeans

The Clean Energy for all Europeans Package is the latest update in the European energy policy framework, aiming to facilitate a clean energy transition and the implementation of the Energy Union strategy goals. It addresses five key dimensions:
Energy security
Internal energy market
Energy efficiency
Decarbonisation of the economy
Fostering research, innovation and competitiveness
A brief historic introduction
The Package, adopted during the course of 2019, consists of eight legislative acts as well as other initiatives and measures aimed at facilitating the clean energy transition.
The Clean Energy Package lays the ground for establishing a new electricity market design by introducing an updated Electricity Directive and Regulation, a new Regulation on Risk Preparedness and a revised ACER Regulation.
The main changes

The adoption of the Clean Energy for all Europeans Package introduced several changes to the system operations rulebook.
The new rules, defined by the Electricity Regulation and Risk Preparedness Regulation, lay the ground for further improvements to the network codes, the introduction of a European Distribution System Operator (DSO) entity, the establishment of regional coordination centres, the implementation of system operation regions, as well as risk preparedness measures, fostering and enhancing the coordination of the European electricity market.