Board of Appeal
Board of Appeal

The Board of Appeal (BoA) deals with complaints lodged against ACER decisions. Any natural or legal person can appeal against a decision taken by ACER where the Agency has actual decision-making powers (individual decisions).
The decisions of the Board of Appeal may as well be subject to appeal before the Court of Justice of the European Communities.
Board of Appeal
Composition and Independence
The Board of Appeal is part of ACER but at the same time independent from its administrative and regulatory structure. It is essential that members and alternates act independently and in the public interest.
The Board of Appeal is composed by six members and six alternates for a mandate of 5 years (renewable).
Members and alternates are selected among current or former senior staff of the national regulatory authorities, competition authorities or other national or EU institutions with relevant experience in the energy sector.
Board of Appeal
Registry of the Board of Appeal
The Board of Appeal encourages online communication via e-mail. Correspondents in appeal proceedings are asked to submit documents as electronic files.
European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
Trg republike 3
1000 Ljubljana