On 30 August 2024, future hydrogen transmission network operators submitted their draft statutory documents to the European Commission and ACER to formally establish the European Network of Network Operators for Hydrogen (ENNOH).
ACER initiated the revision process earlier this year. In autumn, ACER will hold a final public consultation to collect stakeholders’ feedback on its draft proposals.
ACER launches the procedure of amending the methodology for harmonising cross-zonal electricity balancing capacity allocation and announces the related public consultation (16 September - 14 October).
The 37th edition features key takeaways from the ACER and European Commission joint workshop on REMIT II implementation (11 June 2024) and provides insights into several REMIT topics.
ACER's open letter clarifies the obligations for market participants to notify NRAs and ACER on their usage of algorithmic trading and direct electronic access.
ACER launches the procedure of amending the methodology for harmonising cross-zonal electricity balancing capacity allocation and announces the related public consultation (16 September - 14 October).
Today, ACER releases its first interactive dashboard on monitoring the implementation of the Imbalance Settlement Harmonisation (ISH) methodology. ACER’s monitoring exercise evaluated the implementation degree of the methodology in EU Member States.