Today, ACER releases its second quarterly review of key developments in European gas wholesale markets as part of its 2024 Market Monitoring Report (MMR). The first publication was issued in March 2024.
ACER publishes today its feedback on ENTSOG’s “Implementation Guidelines and other complementary guidance documents” for the Ten-Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP) 2024.
ACER publishes today its feedback on ENTSOG’s “Implementation Guidelines and other complementary guidance documents” for the Ten-Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP) 2024.
Today’s ACER-CEER position paper on the challenges of the future electricity system calls on the European Commission, Council and Parliament to prioritise five key electricity and infrastructure challenges throughout the legislative process.
Today, ACER issued two decisions that amend the EU electricity balancing rules including the implementation framework for the PICASSO platform and the balancing pricing methodology on all EU balancing platforms.
ACER releases its report on the Swedish gas transmission tariffs, directed at the Swedish Energy Markets Inspectorate (EI), the National Regulatory Authority (NRA), and Swedegas, the Transmission System Operator (TSO) of Sweden.
ACER launches the procedure of amending the methodology for harmonising cross-zonal electricity balancing capacity allocation and announces the related public consultation (16 September - 14 October).
Today, ACER releases its first interactive dashboard on monitoring the implementation of the Imbalance Settlement Harmonisation (ISH) methodology. ACER’s monitoring exercise evaluated the implementation degree of the methodology in EU Member States.