Following the introduction of intraday auctions within the single intraday coupling earlier this year, ACER publishes the updated Transaction Reporting User Manual (TRUM) and its Annexes, as well as the updated FAQs on REMIT transaction reporting.
ACER publishes its Opinion on the compliance of the draft joint Scenarios Report for the Ten-Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP) 2024 with ACER’s Framework Guidelines.
The ACER-CEER 2024 MMR on energy retail and consumer protection emphasises that the clean energy transition will not occur without power system flexibility and the active participation of energy consumers.
ACER approved Transmission System Operators’ (TSOs’) proposal to amend the methodology for calculating scheduled exchanges resulting from single day-ahead coupling (SDAC).
This ACER report enhances transparency and comparability in electricity network tariff setting by sharing national practices. It also examines and offers insights into various tariff challenges faced by energy regulators.