The ACER-CEER 2024 MMR on energy retail and consumer protection emphasises that the clean energy transition will not occur without power system flexibility and the active participation of energy consumers.
ACER approved Transmission System Operators’ (TSOs’) proposal to amend the methodology for calculating scheduled exchanges resulting from single day-ahead coupling (SDAC).
This open letter outlines what is expected from non-EU market participants and PPAETs to ensure compliance with the revised REMIT (Articles 9 and 15) and meet the new obligations.
In November 2023, ACER received a proposal from Nominated Electricity Market Operators (NEMOs) for amending the ACER’s 2020 methodology for the price coupling algorithm and the continuous trading matching algorithm.
ACER has updated its data dashboard, which tracks monthly changes in household energy prices across EU Member States and Norway from January 2019 to December 2024.
In July 2024, ACER received a proposal from Transmission System Operators (TSOs) to amend the methodology for harmonising cross-zonal capacity allocation for the exchange of balancing capacity or sharing of reserves.