On 26 April 2024, ACER received a proposal from all Nominated Electricity Market Operators (NEMOs) to amend the single day-ahead coupling products methodology.
In November 2023, ACER received a proposal from Nominated Electricity Market Operators (NEMOs) for amending the ACER’s 2020 methodology for the price coupling algorithm and the continuous trading matching algorithm.
EWRC, the Bulgarian Energy and Water Regulatory Commission, adopted a decision imposing a fine of BGN 604,064 (approximatively €300,000) on Kozloduy NPP EAD for insider trading on the Bulgarian wholesale electricity market.
ACER report analyses the proposed gas transmission tariff methodology for Interconnector Limited (INT), the natural gas pipeline in the North Sea connecting the UK and Belgium, allowing bidirectional flows to supply gas to continental Europe.
ACER European LNG Market Monitoring Report analyses global and EU market developments and recommends further actions to improves transparency, competition and flexibility in European LNG terminals.
ACER launches the procedure of amending the methodology for harmonising cross-zonal electricity balancing capacity allocation and announces the related public consultation (16 September - 14 October).
Today, ACER releases its first interactive dashboard on monitoring the implementation of the Imbalance Settlement Harmonisation (ISH) methodology. ACER’s monitoring exercise evaluated the implementation degree of the methodology in EU Member States.