Following the ongoing discussions with relevant stakeholders after the adoption of the revised REMIT, ACER publishes today the updated Transaction Reporting User Manual (TRUM) and its Annexes, as well as the updated Guidance on reporting LNG market data.
ACER is forming a new Expert Group to provide advice on peak-shaving products. We are looking for experts (e.g. engineers and/or economists) with relevant expertise in electricity markets.
The Administrative Board of the EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) has extended the mandate of the current Director, Mr Christian Zinglersen, for another five-year mandate.
ACER has released its Opinion on the decisions to grant a temporary exemption for the STORK I pipeline from establishing permanent physical bi-directional gas flow capacity at the cross-border interconnection point between Poland and Czech Republic.
The 7th EFET brought together 75 participants from ACER, ESMA, energy national regulatory authorities and financial national conduct authorities to enhance regulatory cooperation in energy and financial markets.
This ACER report enhances transparency and comparability in electricity network tariff setting by sharing national practices. It also examines and offers insights into various tariff challenges faced by energy regulators.