ACER publishes today a consultancy study on the expected social welfare benefits of implementing co-optimisation in the day-ahead coupling algorithm as compared to the current electricity market design.
ACER will launch a public consultation to gather stakeholders’ views on the benefits and drawbacks of introducing voluntary templates for Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) contracts in the EU energy market.
ACER will consult with stakeholders (during summer 2024) to collect views on ACER’s concrete amendment proposals on the network code on grid connection requirements for high voltage direct current systems and related power park modules (NC HVDC).
ACER approves the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity’s (ENTSO-E’s) European Resource Adequacy Assessment for 2023 (ERAA 2023). However, ACER also calls for further enhancements in the next annual assessment (ERAA 2024).
ACER launches the procedure of amending the methodology for harmonising cross-zonal electricity balancing capacity allocation and announces the related public consultation (16 September - 14 October).
Today, ACER releases its first interactive dashboard on monitoring the implementation of the Imbalance Settlement Harmonisation (ISH) methodology. ACER’s monitoring exercise evaluated the implementation degree of the methodology in EU Member States.