

A brief historic introduction

​​​​The Framework Guidelines on Electricity Grid Connection, adopted by ACER on 20 July 2011, define the requirements to be developed in the respective network codes:

  • Minimum standards and requirements for connection,

  • Derogations,

  • Adaptation of existing arrangements to the network codes,

  • Compliance testing, monitoring and enforcement,

  • Exchange of information between parties and improved coordination.

The network codes that stem from these Framework Guidelines focus on meeting the renewable generation targets and providing a solution on the integration of demand-response.​

Three network codes were developed following the Framework Guidelines on Electricity Grid Connection:

  • The Network Code for Requirements for Grid Connection Applicable to all Generators (RfG Regulation, which entered into force on 17 May 2016),

  • The Network Code on Demand Connection (DCC Re​gulation, which entered into force on 7 September 2016),

  • The Network Code on HVDC Connections and DC Connected Power Park Modules (HVDC Regulation, which entered into force on 28 September 2016). ​


Amendment to the Grid Connection Codes

In 2022, the European Commission invited ACER to initiate the process to amend the Network Code on Requirements for Grid Connection of Generators (RfG Regulation), the Network Code on Demand Connection (DCC Regulation) and the Network Code on grid connection of high voltage direct current systems and direct current-connected power park modules (HVDC Regulation).

Amendments to the network codes were needed to support the EU power grid in integrating developments such as e-mobility, storage, and energy communities.

In December 2023, ACER submitted to the European Commission its reasoned proposals for amendments to the RfG Regulation and the DCC Regulation.

In December 2024, ACER submitted to the European Commission its reasoned proposals for amendments to the HVDC Regulation.

What were ACER’s main recommendations?

RfG Regulation:

  • Update definitions and expand scope of application to include new electricity storage and electric vehicles.
  • Introduce criteria for significant modernisation of the power generating modules following the TSOs’ proposals and regulatory approval.
  • Define new requirements for various types of electric vehicles, along with associated supply equipment (such as charging parks), and electricity storage modules.

DC Regulation:

  • Update definitions and expand scope of application to include new electric vehicles and associated supply equipment as well as power-to-gas units and heat pumps.
  • Introduce criteria for significant modernisation of transmission-connected demand facilities, transmission-connected distribution facilities, distribution systems and demand units used to provide demand response services following TSOs’ proposals and regulatory approval.
  • Introduce amendments to the requirements for transmission-connected demand facilities and distribution systems.

HVDC Regulation:

  • Expand the scope of the Network Code to include new offshore demand facilities, power-to-gas facilities (mainly electrolysis), offshore electricity storage and HVDC systems connecting isolated AC networks.
  • Introduce new technical requirements for HVDC systems, to support the interconnected and offshore system.
  • Introduce technical requirements to cover new offshore demand facilities, power-to-gas facilities (mainly electrolysis) and offshore electricity storage.

Steps in the amendment process: RfG and DC Regulations

ACER published a draft Policy Paper in May 2022 and gathered initial feedback from stakeholders during a public workshop and a public consultation in June 2022. Following this, ACER ran two full-fledged public consultations in autumn 2022 and summer 2023, inviting interested parties to submit their concrete amendment proposals.

Policy Paper on the amendments to the grid connection network codes

In its Policy Paper (published in September 2022), ACER provided a high-level outline of the main areas to improve the Network Code on Requirements for Grid Connection of Generators and the Network Code on Demand Connection.

The Policy Paper addressed potential amendments to the European network codes, including:

  • technical requirements for storage, mobile storage (e.g., electric vehicles), and electrical charging points;
  • requirements for mixed customer sites (MCSs), active customers, and energy communities;
  • significant modernisation of system users’ facilities and equipment;
  • advanced capabilities for grids with significant distributed energy resources (DER) and converter-based technologies; and
  • criteria to determine generators significant for the system.

2022 Public consultation

ACER evaluated the provided responses submitted by stakeholders in the course of the full-fledged 2022 public consultation.

While reviewing stakeholders’ input, ACER organised three public workshops, focusing on specific regulatory issues, namely:

In October 2022, ACER held a fourth workshop on the amendments to the grid connection network codes.

2023 Public consultation

ACER ran a second public consultation from 17 July to 25 September 2023 to collect stakeholders’ views on concrete amendment proposals on the two European electricity grid connection network codes. Stakeholders were able to submit their comments separately, to one or both network codes. 

Additionally, ACER organised a webinar on 19 July 2023 to: 

  • present ACER’s proposed amendments to the grid connection network codes;
  • explain the purpose, process, and timeline for the amendments, and the public consultation process; and 
  • address questions. 

ACER Recommendation 03-2023

In December 2023, ACER submitted to the European Commission its Recommendation 03-2023 on proposed amendments to the grid connection network codes (GC NCs).

Steps in the amendment process – HVDC Regulation

2024 Public consultation

ACER ran a public consultation from 17 June to 8 September 2024 to gather stakeholders’ views on ACER’s concrete amendment proposals to the network code on grid connection requirements for high voltage direct current systems and related power park modules (NC HVDC).

In the context of the public consultation, ACER organised a webinar on 24 June 2024 in order to:

  • present ACER’s proposed amendments to the grid connection network code;
  • provide any necessary clarifications on the purpose, process and timeline for the amendments, and
  • inform stakeholders on how they can comment on these amendments through their participation in the public consultation.

ACER Recommendation 01-2024

In December 2024, ACER submitted to the European Commission its Recommendation 01-2024 on proposed amendments to the grid connection network code HVDC.