Demand connection
The DCC Regulation
The Demand Connection Network Code (DCC Regulation) sets harmonised standards for connecting large renewable energy production plants and integrate demand response. The Regulation entered into force on 7 September 2016.

The core elements
The DCC Regulation provides that:
The connection standards apply to new transmission-connected demand and distribution facilities, new distributions systems and to demand units providing demand response (including any pumping module within the station that provides pumping mode only).
The relevant system operator can refuse the connection when the requirements of the Regulation are not met, and when a derogation is not granted by a regulatory or other authority, where applicable in a Member State.
The connection requirements should not apply to demand facilities and distributions systems connected to transmission and distributions systems of islands of Member States which are not operated synchronously with either Continental Europe, Great Britain, Nordic, Ireland and Northern Ireland or Baltics synchronous area. The DCC Regulation shall not apply to an existing transmission connected demand facility or distribution facility or an existing distribution system with the exceptions defined.