ACER teams
How is ACER organised?

The Agency has seven Departments:
Energy System Needs
Gas, Hydrogen and Retail
Market Information and Transparency
Market Surveillance and Conduct
REMIT Investigations
Coordination, Operations and Legal
ACER’s Strategy Delivery & Communications team and the Human Resources and Facilities team report directly to the ACER Director and play a central role in providing key support functions to the whole Agency in fulfilling its mandate, objectives and goals.
Have a look:
Our Management

Christian Zinglersen
Volker Zuleger
Head of Department - Coordination, Operations and Legal
Christophe Gence - Creux
Head of Department - Electricity
Rafael Muruais Garcia
Head of Department - Energy System Needs
Csilla Bartok
Head of Department - Gas, Hydrogen and Retail
Karina Knaus
Head of Department - Market Information and Transparency
Karin Lunning
Head of Department - Market Surveillance and Conduct
Martin Godfried
Head of Department - REMIT Investigations