Position Papers
Energy regulators play an important role in ensuring efficient infrastructure. ACER and CEER have jointly developed a set of guiding principles to evaluate the performance and efficiency of European electricity smart grids.
This paper reviews the national treatment of anticipatory investments and proposes ways to facilitate the necessary grid enforcement to meet the EU’s climate and energy targets.
ACER’s Position Paper towards greater consistency of cost benefit analysis methodologies.
ACER’s policy paper on the further development of the EU electricity forward market identifies problems of this market segment, recommends solutions and thus serves as ACER’s key recommendations on how to change the Forward Capacity Allocation Regulation.
ACER sets out in its policy paper potential ways to improve the network code on requirements for grid connection of generators and the network code on demand connection.
ACER and CEER welcome the European Commission's legislative proposals on Hydrogen and Decarbonised Gas Markets. In the present note, European energy regulators present their views and recommendations on key regulatory aspects.