ACER has commissioned the Florence School of Regulation (FSR) to conduct a study on existing regulatory frameworks and how regulators could incentivise a more efficient use of existing and future electricity grids.
NRAs of the Continental Europe Synchronous Area requested from ACER a six-months extension to decide on the TSOs' proposed probabilistic dimensioning approach of Frequency Containment Reserves.
On 24 May 2024, the European National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) referred to ACER a joint proposal from all Transmission System Operators (TSOs) to amend the methodology for calculating scheduled exchanges resulting from single day-ahead coupling.
Congratulations to Mr. Miro Prek, as well as Prof. Andrea Biondi and Prof. Piet Eeckhout for their re-appointment as Chair and Vice-Chairs of the ACER Board of Appeal for an additional term of two and a half years (until 17 October 2026).
ACER’s 2024 report finds that congestion progressively diminished in 2023. However, the repercussions of the gas market crisis remain clear, as price convergence between European gas hubs has not yet reached the pre-crisis levels.
ACER received electricity system operators’ proposal for an EU-wide network code on demand response. ACER will consult on its revised draft in autumn 2024 before submitting it to the European Commission by March 2025.
ACER launches the procedure of amending the methodology for harmonising cross-zonal electricity balancing capacity allocation and announces the related public consultation (16 September - 14 October).
Today, ACER releases its first interactive dashboard on monitoring the implementation of the Imbalance Settlement Harmonisation (ISH) methodology. ACER’s monitoring exercise evaluated the implementation degree of the methodology in EU Member States.