The Administrative Board of the EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) has extended the mandate of the current Director, Mr Christian Zinglersen, for another five-year mandate.
ACER has released its Opinion on the decisions to grant a temporary exemption for the STORK I pipeline from establishing permanent physical bi-directional gas flow capacity at the cross-border interconnection point between Poland and Czech Republic.
The 7th EFET brought together 75 participants from ACER, ESMA, energy national regulatory authorities and financial national conduct authorities to enhance regulatory cooperation in energy and financial markets.
The outcomes of ACER public consultation and roundtable meetings will contribute to the ongoing discussion with the European Commission on the revision of the REMIT Implementing Regulation.
ACER’s first hydrogen monitoring report highlights that, despite ambitious EU strategies, hydrogen projects face risks from uncertainties of future hydrogen demand and high costs.
ACER has updated its data dashboard, which tracks monthly changes in household energy prices across EU Member States and Norway from January 2019 to December 2024.
In July 2024, ACER received a proposal from Transmission System Operators (TSOs) to amend the methodology for harmonising cross-zonal capacity allocation for the exchange of balancing capacity or sharing of reserves.