An enhanced role for ACER

New tasks and responsibilities

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The revised ACER Regulation introduces additional tasks for ACER, further to the coordination of national energy regulatory authorities (NRAs). ​​The new set of rules provides ACER with new responsibilities connected with cross-border cooperation, which could, if uncoordinated, lead to difficulties in the internal energy market.

The Regulation defines ACER's objectives and tasks, which include:

ACER will have the regulatory oversight of Regional Coordination Centres (RCCs), which will play an important role for the coordination of transmission system operators, strengthening ACER's decision-making power with respect to cross-border issues.

ACER's role in monitoring and contributing to the implementation of the network codes and guidelines has also been strengthened. ACER will have a role in reviewing the draft network codes, including chec​​​​​​king for compliance with ACER's non-binding framework guidelines, as well as amending the draft before recommending it for adoption to the Commission.

The role of ACER in approving and amending EU-wide terms and conditions and methodologies has also been reinforced.

ACER is now responsible for taking a decision where the competent regulatory authorities do not agree on terms and conditions or methodologies for the implementation of new network codes and guidelines adopted after 4 July 2019.​​

Find out more about ACER’s monitoring of the Regional Coordination Centres.