ACER's report on Belgium’s proposed gas transmission tariffs.
ACER’s report on electricity transmission and distribution tariff methodologies reviews the national practices across the EU Member States and Norway.
ACER's preliminary report on the effects of the market correction mechanism (MCM) identifying its potential effects on energy markets and on security of supply.
Another record-high Inter-TSO compensation (ITC) mechanism fund size reported in 2021.
The Decarbonised Gases Volume of the 2021 Market Monitoring Report describes the current state of EU decarbonised gases and hydrogen as well as it examines the regulatory provisions and market context that may drive their evolution in the mid-term.
ACER publishes its report on Denmark’s proposed tariffs applicable for filling gas storages and for the emergency gas supply to non-protected consumers.
This year’s Energy Retail and Consumer Protection Volume looks at developments in Europe’s energy retail markets and outlines the status regarding consumer protection measures in 2021.
This year’s report focuses on seven balancing zones that kept transitory or interim measures or showed partial implementation of the network code in 2020.
ACER has published the first Implementation Monitoring Report on the progresses made in implementing the EU-wide guideline on electricity transmission system operation (the System Operation Guideline).