Middle and Low Value Contracts - Past procedures

Middle and Low Value Contracts - Past procedures

2019 - 2023

ACER/2024/MVP/0027-EXA: Estimation of efforts for the implementation of the software for the market-based allocation of cross-zonal capacity in the EU electricity balancing markets for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 20,000

Approx. launch date: end October 2024

Deadline to register an interest: 22.10.2024


 ACER/2024/MVP/0036-EXAConsultancy services to design the methodology and process for carrying out a GAS TSO efficiency benchmark for EU TSOs for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 121,000

Approx. launch date: November 2024

Deadline to register an interest: 08.11.2024


ACER/2024/MVP/0026-EXA: Study to support the development of scenarios for EU-wide infrastructure planning and adequacy assessments for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 120,000

Approx. launch date: end September 2024

Deadline to register an interest: 24.09.2024


ACER/2024/MVP/0025-EXASenior management retreats and executive coaching for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 60,000

Approx. launch date: mid September 2024

Deadline to register an interest: 06.09.2024


ACER/2024/MVP/0023-EXASupplies for electrical, structural wiring and security installation and associated maintenance and repair services for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 126,000

Approx. launch date: mid August 2024

Deadline to register an interest: 10.08.2024


ACER/2024/MVP/0019-EXAConsultancy services to design the methodology and process for carrying out a GAS TSO efficiency benchmark for EU TSOs for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 106,000

Approx. launch date: end August 2024

Deadline to register an interest: 31.07.2024


ACER/2024/LVP/0015-EXA: Study on the harmonisation of the imbalance settlement for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 60,000

Approx. launch date: end July 2024

Deadline to register an interest: 22.07.2024


ACER/2024/MVP/0002: Provision of data visualisation services for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 142,999

Approx. launch date: beginning of March 2024

Deadline to register an interest: 06.03.2024


ACER/NEG/IGR/36/2023: A study on unlocking the full potential of the electricity system of systems for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 75,000

Approx. launch date: beginning of November 2023

Deadline to register an interest: 03.11.2023


ACER/NEG/CS/34/2023: Provision of Internet connectivity services for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 140,000

Approx. launch date: beginning of November 2023

Deadline to register an interest: 27.10.2023


ACER/NEG/SDC/33/2023: Provision of online media monitoring services for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 60,000

Approx. launch date: End of October 2023

Deadline to register an interest: 16.10.2023


ACER/NEG/CS/29/2023: Provision of transport services for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (LOT 1: Carried out by an executive limousine and/or a passenger van, LOT 2: Carried out by a mini-bus and/or a bus)

Estimated budget: EUR 92,000

Approx. launch date: end August 2023

Deadline to register an interest: 29.08.2023


ACER/NEG/CS/24/2023: Maintenance of technical equipment in the Data Centre of the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy ​Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 140,000

Approx. launch date: August 2023

Deadline to register an interest: 24.08.2023


ACER/NEG/CS/22/2023: Provision of removal services and rental of storage facilities for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (LOT 1: Provision of removal services; LOT 2: Rental of storage facilities)

Estimated budget: EUR 140,000

Approx. launch date: beginning July 2023

Deadline to register an interest: 29.06.2023


ACER/NEG/IGR/21/2023: Study on the implementation, availability and uptake of dynamic price contracts in EU Member States

Estimated budget: EUR 50,000

Approx. launch date: July 2023

Deadline to register an interest: 17.07.2023


ACER/NEG/SDC/06/2023: Provision of catering services for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 60,000

Approx. launch date: end of June 2023

Deadline to register an interest: 20.06.2023


ACER/NEG/CS/07/2023: Learning and development services for general skills development and training on energy policy for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (Lot 1: Training in general skills, soft skills and management skills, Lot 2: Training in European energy policy, energy regulation and energy legislation)

Estimated budget: EUR 120,000

Approx. launch date: end May 2023

Deadline to register an interest: 22.05.2023


ACER/NEG/MIT/12/2023: Provision of hosting and co-location services for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 140,000

Approx. launch date: end May 2023

Deadline to register an interest: 24.05.2023


ACER/NEG/CS/13/2023: Provision of transport services for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (LOT 1: Carried out by executive limousine and/or passenger van, LOT 2: Carried out by mini-bus and/or bus)

Estimated budget: EUR 92,000

Approx. launch date: June 2023

Deadline to register an interest: 23.05.2023


ACER/NEG/IGR/10/2023: Establishing criteria for benefit-based remuneration of efficient infrastructure investments for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 75,000

Approx. launch date: end March 2023

Deadline to register an interest: 24.03.2023


ACER/NEG/ED/04/2023: Review of Member States’ practices regarding the methodology for calculating the value of lost load, the cost of new entry and the reliability standard

Estimated budget: EUR 80,000

Approx. launch date: April 2023

Deadline to register an interest: 14.04.2023


ACER/NEG/IGR/08/2023: Study on the impact of the measures included in the EU and national gas storage regulations for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 50,000

Approx. launch date: March 2023

Deadline to register an interest: 20.03.2023


ACER/NEG/SDC/05/2023: Provision of design services for the EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 60,000

Approx. launch date: March 2023

Deadline to register an interest: 06.03.2023


ACER/NEG/ED/03/2023: Study on the welfare potential of co-optimised allocation of cross-zonal capacity between the balancing capacity and day-ahead electricity markets for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 60,000

Approx. launch date: March 2023

Deadline to register an interest: 06.02.2023


ACER/NEG/IGR/02/2023: Establishing criteria for benefit-based remuneration of efficient infrastructure investments for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 50,000

Approx. launch date: first half of February 2023

Deadline to register an interest: 25.01.2023


ACER/NEG/IGR/29/2022: Provision of analysis and data outlining the impact of the energy crisis on European electricity and gas consumers and the impacts of the policy measures implemented in relation to the crisis for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 20,000

Approx. launch date: mid-November 2022

Deadline to register an interest: 03.11.2022


ACER/NEG/ED/20/2022: Study on technical and legal definitions of congestions in electricity networks for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 60,000

Approx. launch date: September 2022

Deadline to register an interest: 25.08.2022


ACER/NEG/MIT/19/2022: Supply and installation of an upgraded cooling capacity in the Data Centre of the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 45,000

Approx. launch date: July 2022

Deadline to register an interest: 08.07.2022


ACER/NEG/IGR/15/2022: A study on requirements and implementation of ENTSOG Cost Benefit Analysis methodology for Hydrogen Infrastructure for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 80,000

Approx. launch date: End of June 2022

Deadline to register an interest: 16.06.2022


ACER/NEG/IGR/12/2022: A report on Unit Investment Cost Indicators for Electricity and Gas Infrastructure Projects

Estimated budget: EUR 75,000

Approx. launch date: April 2022

Deadline to register an interest: 13.04.2022


ACER/NEG/LS/07/2022: Provision of general legal support in Slovenian law for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 60,000

Approx. launch date: End of March 2022

Deadline to register an interest: 18.03.2022


ACER/NEG/MIT/25/2021: Disaster recovery site for REMIT information systems for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 60,000

Approx. launch date: second half of October 2021

Deadline to register an interest: 18.10.2021


ACER/NEG/SDC/19/2021: Provision of infographics and data visualisation services for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 60,000

Approx. launch date: August 2021

Deadline to register an interest: 30.07.2021


ACER/NEG/CS/18/2021: Provision of fitting out works at the premises of the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (LOT 1: Renovation and upgrade of bathroom facilities, LOT 2: Fitting out and upgrade of the lighting system)

Estimated budget: EUR 90,000

Approx. launch date: August 2021

Deadline to register an interest: 27.07.2021


ACER/NEG/CS/16/2021: Provision of removal services and rental of storage facilities for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 25,000

Approx. launch date: mid July 2021

Deadline to register an interest: 02.07.2021


ACER/NEG/CS/13/2021: Provision of office stationery and office supplies for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 80,000

Approx. launch date: Mid June 2021

Deadline to register an interest: 04.06.2021


ACER/NEG/LS/04/2021: Provision of legal advice services for the staff of the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 60,000

Approx. launch date: End February 2021

Deadline to register an interest: 12.02.2021


ACER/NEG/ED/24/2020: Study on application of clustering algorithms on nodal simulation results to identify alternative bidding zone configurations related to electricity

Estimated budget: EUR 80,000​

Approx. launch date: End November 2020

Deadline to register an interest: 26.11.2020​​


ACER/NEG/CS/17/2020: Maintenance of technical equipment in the Data Centre of the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy ​Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 100,000​

Approx. launch date: mid October 2020

Deadline to register an interest: 13.10.2020​​

ACER/NEG/DO/12/2019: Provision of online media monitoring services and weekly press/media digest/summary for the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 60,000

Approx. launch date: mid October 2019

Deadline to register an interest: 11.10.2019​

ACER/NEG/ADMIN/08/2019: Provision of postal services for the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 80,000

Approx. launch date: end of May 2019

Deadline to register an interest: 21.05.2019

ACER/NEG/DO/09/2019: Provision of catering services for the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 144,000

Approx. launch date: end of May 2019

Deadline to register an interest: 21.05.2019

ACER/NEG/ADMIN/04/2019: Provision of transport services for the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Estimated budget: EUR 60,000

Approx. launch date: March 2019

Deadline to register an interest: 05.03.2019

Middle and Low Value Contracts - Past procedures


ACER/NEG/GAS/15/2018: Assisting the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators in assessing financial, economic, and risk parameters of a proposed gas transmission pipeline and the project’s potential impact on gas markets and gas infrastructure.
Estimated budget: EUR 45,000
Approx. launch date: end of November 2018
Deadline to register an interest: 21.11.2018
ACER/NEG/DO/10/2018: Provision of catering services for the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
Estimated budget: EUR 144,000
Approx. launch date: end of June 2018

Deadline to register an interest: 22.06.2018 

ACER/NEG/DO/13/2018: Provision of design services for the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
​Estimated budget: EUR 60,000
Approx. launch date: end of June 2018

Deadline to register an interest: 25.06.2018        

ACER/NEG/GAS/01/2018: Provision of legal support services with respect to the proposed template for the general terms and conditions in the transport contracts of gas transmission system operators (Article 20 of Commission Regulation (EUR) 2017/459 of 16 March 2016 establishing a network code on capacity allocation mechanisms in gas transmission systems) for the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators  
​Estimated budget: EUR 45,000     
Approx. launch date: January 2018
Deadline to register an interest: 16.01.2018
ACER/NEG/ADMIN/04/2018: Provision of printing services for the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
​Estimated budget: EUR 42,000
Approx. launch date: end of April 2018
Deadline to register an interest: 20.04.2018
ACER/NEG/ADMIN/08/2018: Team leader/management development programme for the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
​Estimated budget: EUR 35,000
Approx. launch date: beginning of May 2018

Deadline to register an interest: 20.04.2018​



ACER/NEG/DO/15/2017: Provision of design services for the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators  
​Estimated budget: EUR 80,000     
Approx. launch date: beginning of September 2017 
Deadline to register an interest: 05.09.2017​
ACER/NEG/ADMIN/03/2017: Supply of office stationary and office material for the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators  
​Estimated budget: EUR 80,000     
Approx. launch date: end March 2017 
Deadline to register an interest: 22.03.2017 extended until 07.04.2017​
ACER/NEG/ADMIN/02/2017: Provision of general legal support in Slovenian law for the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators 
Estimated budget: EUR 60,000   
Approx. launch date: end January 2017
Deadline to register an interest: 17.01.2017  ​   
ACER/NEG/ED/01/2017: Purchase of a software with the maintenance licence for calculating load flows for the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
Estimated budget: EUR 80,000   
Approx. launch date: end January 2017           
Deadline to register an interest: 17.01.2017 



​ACER/NEG/ED/11/2016: Development and setting-up of an electricity wholesale market monitoring database          
Estimated budget: EUR 55,000         
Approx. launch date: mid September 2016           
Deadline to register an interest: 09.09.2016      ​      
ACER/NEG/ADMIN/03/2016: Legal advice service for the staff of the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators         
Estimated budget: EUR 60,000         
Approx. launch date: end August 2016         
Deadline to register an interest: 22.08.2016