Individual Decisions Share on: Search Decisions 08.12.2020 ACER Decision 35-2020 on the Methodology for Coordinated Redispatching and Countertrading for the Core Capacity Calculation Region Annexes ACER Decision 35-2020 on Core RDCT 35 - Annex I ACER Decision 35-2020 on Core RDCT 35 - Annex Ia ACER Decision 35-2020 on Core RDCT 35 - Annex II Decisions 04.12.2020 ACER Decision 32-2020 on the Methodology for Splitting Long-Term Cross-Zonal Capacity for South-East Europe Region Annexes ACER Decision 32-2020 on the FCA SEE LTSR - Annex I ACER Decision 32-2020 on the FCA SEE LTSR - Annex Ia ACER Decision 32-2020 on the FCA SEE LTSR - Annex II Decisions 03.12.2020 ACER Decision 30-2020 on the Core Capacity Calculation Region TSO’s Proposal for the Methodology for Cost Sharing of Redispatching and Countertrading Annexes ACER Decision 30-2020 on Core RDCT Cost Sharing - Annex I ACER Decision 30-2020 on Core RDCT Cost Sharing - Annex Ia Decisions 03.12.2020 ACER Decision 31-2020 on the South East Europe Capacity Calculation Region TSO’s Proposal for the Methodology for Cost Sharing of Redispatching and Countertrading Annexes ACER Decision 31-2020 on SEE RDCT Cost Sharing - Annex I ACER Decision 31-2020 on SEE RDCT Cost Sharing - Annex Ia Decisions 26.11.2020 ACER Decision 29-2020 on the Methodology and Assumptions that Are to Be Used in the Bidding Zone Review Process and for the Alternative Bidding Zone Configurations to Be Considered Annexes ACER Decision 29-2020 on the BZR - Annex I _ BZR methodology ACER Decision 29-2020 on the BZR - Annex Ia _ List of data ACER Decision 29-2020 on the BZR - Annex Ib _ Template final results ACER Decision 29-2020 on the BZR - Annex II _ LMP data request ACER Decision 29-2020 on the BZR - Annex III _ Evaluation of responses Decisions 19.11.2020 ACER Decision 28-2020 on the Request of the Regulatory Authorities of Continental Europe Synchronous Area to Extend the Period for Reaching an Agreement on the Proposal for Additional Properties for Frequency Containment Reserves Decisions 18.11.2020 ACER Decision 27-2020 on Rejecting the Baltic Capacity Calculation Region TSOs’ Proposal for the Long-Term Capacity Calculation Methodology Annexes ACER Decision 27-2020 on Baltic LT CCM - Annex I Decisions 23.10.2020 ACER Decision 25-2020 on the Methodology for Sharing Firmness and Remuneration Costs of Long-Term Transmission Rights - rectified Annexes ACER Decision 25-2020 on the FCA-FRC Methodology - Annex I ACER Decision 25-2020 on the FCA-FRC Methodology - Annex Ia ACER Decision 25-2020 on the FCA-FRC Methodology - Annex II Corrigendum to ACER Decision 25-2020 Decisions 23.10.2020 ACER Decision 26-2020 on Extension of Decision Deadline for Somplago-Wuermlach Interconnection Project