Ad hoc expert group on REMIT
Ad hoc expert group on REMIT
Scope of the group
This group was active from 2015-2017 with the goal of advising the Agency on issues relating to market participants' compliance with REMIT. The group was particularly focused on the disclosure of inside information, market abuse prohibitions, registration and transaction reporting obligations.
Ad hoc expert group on REMIT
Members & Observers
Ms Camilla Berg
Mr Karl-Peter Horstmann
Ms Daniela Nigro
Ms Marie-Louise Piil Christensen
Mr Jean-Michel Salagnac
Mr Filip Sleeuwagen
Mr Daniel Smith
Ms Sophie Tolley
Mr Bernhard Walter
Mr Daniel Wragge
Ms Christelle Coppens-Chalhoub (as observer for ENTSO-E) and
Mr Davide Volzone (as observer for ENTSOG)
Jointly organised with the AEMPs roundtable