PCI monitoring
PCI monitoring
Projects of Common Interest (PCIs)
Projects of common interest (PCIs) are key cross-border infrastructure projects that significantly enhance the links among the energy systems of EU countries.
They help the EU achieving its energy policy and climate objectives: ensuring affordable, secure and sustainable energy for all citizens. PCIs also play a key role in the long-term decarbonisation of the economy in accordance with the Paris Agreement.
PCI monitoring
What is the role of ACER?
ACER monitors and reports on the progress achieved in the implementation of the projects on the most recent PCI list adopted by the European Commission. If necessary, ACER makes recommendations to facilitate their implementation.
ACER’s monitoring is carried out on the basis of the individual reports submitted by their project promoters and using additional inputs received from the national regulatory authorities (NRAs). These inputs are collected via ACER’s data exchange platform AEGIS.
Related documents
Opinions on draft PCI lists
Before the adoption of the draft PCI lists proposed by the European Commission, ACER provides an Opinion assessing the consistency of the selection criteria applied and the cost-benefit analysis across regions.