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Network development

According to the Regulation(EC) 714/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council, the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) adopts a non-binding Community-wide ten-year network development plan (TYNDP), including a European generation adequacy outlook, every two years. The main objectives of the TYNDP are:        

  • to identify investment gaps, notably with respect to cross border capacities;        
  • to contribute to a sufficient level of cross-border interconnection and to contribute to non-discrimination, effective competition and the efficient functioning of the market;        
  • to ensure greater transparency regarding the entire electricity transmission network in the Community.        

The Community-Wide TYNDP prepared by ENTSO-E builds on national investment plans prepared by the transmission system operators (TSOs) and takes into account the regional investment plans, which are published every two years on the basis of ENTSO-E regional cooperation.        

The main ACER duties related to TYNDP are:        

  1. to provide opinion on the contribution of the TYNDP to the objectives set by the Regulation (EC) 714/2009;        
  2. to assess the consistency of Community-wide TYNDP and national plans;        
  3. to monitor the implementation of the TYNDP.        

ACER has published its opinion on the ENTSO-E Ten Year Network Development Plan 2012, welcoming substantial improvements introduced in the 2012 TYNDP compared to the pilot 2010 TYNDP, in particular the development of an EU2020 scenario supported by a top-down approach and the very first steps towards a cost-benefit analysis methodology.        

In order to facilitate the preparation of future TYNDPs, in July 2013 ACER wrote a letter to ENTSO-E on the scenarios used as background assumptions for TYNDP market and network studies.        

ACER provides opinion and recommendations to ENTSO-E, Parliament, Council, Commission where it considers that the draft TYNDP:        

  • does not contribute to non-discrimination, effective competition and efficient market, or        
  • does not contribute to a sufficient level of cross-border interconnection open to third-party, or        
  • does not comply with the provisions of the “3rd package”.        

ACER also provides opinion on the national ten-year network development plans to assess their consistency with the Community-wide TYNDP. If ACER identifies inconsistencies, it recommends amending the national plan or the Community-wide TYNDP as appropriate.        

Once the TYNDP is positively evaluated and its consistency with national plans is assessed, ACER monitors its implementation, as well as the implementation of infrastructure projects which create new cross-border capacities. If ACER identifies inconsistencies between the Community-wide TYNDP and its implementation, it investigates the reasons and makes recommendations to TSOs, NRAs and other competent bodies, with a view to implementing the investments.​       


