Consultation on amended statutory documents of ENTSO-E

Consultation on amended statutory documents of ENTSO-E

Notice of 12 April 2021

The Agency has been informed by the European Commission that the proposed changes to the Articles of Association and other statutory documents of ENTSO-E would still need to be further adapted, inter alia in light of the obligations stemming from the Trade and Cooperation Agreement with the UK, and which would therefore require a resubmission of the afore-mentioned ENTSO-E documents.

For reasons of procedural efficiency, the Agency has therefore decided to halt its proceedings on the proposed changes to ENTSO-E's Articles of Association and other statutory documents.

Any comments which the Agency has meanwhile received in the course of the current proceedings will be taken into account when the Agency will examine the finalised proposal of statutory documents, once the above-mentioned further implementing measures have been taken, and to the extent that they will remain relevant in light of the possible additional changes made to the documents submitted. In case relevant changes would be made to any of the statutory documents consulted, the Agency will allow for a new consultation, so as to enable additional comments to the Agency.

Original consultation of 25 March

ACER consults on amended statutory documents of ENTSO-E,  in accordance with Article 29 of Regulation (EU) 2019/943 of 5 June 2019 on the internal market for electricity. 

This consultation is addressed to the organisations representing all stakeholders, in particular system users, including consumers.

Replies to this consultation should be submitted to ACER by 12 April 2021, 09:00 hrs (CET).

For any questions, please contact us on:  ENTSO-E-statutes-amendments(at)

Consultation on amended statutory documents of ENTSO-E

Consultation documents

Consultation on amended statutory documents of ENTSO-E

Evaluation of responses and responses

Not yet available.​