PC_2012_R_10 - Public consultation on Recommendations to the European Commission as regards the records of wholesale energy market transations according to REMIT
Regulation (EU) No 1227/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2011 on wholesale energy market integrity and transparency (“REMIT”) was published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 8 December 2011 and entered into force 20 days later, on 28 December 2011.
The Regulation introduces provisions to improve integrity and transparency in wholesale energy markets and establishes common rules on the prohibition of market abuse in wholesale energy markets. It envisages the collection of wholesale energy market data and the monitoring of wholesale energy markets by the Agency and the enforcement of the prohibitions against market abuse at national level. The Regulation, in its Article 8(2) and (5), confers powers to the European Commission to adopt implementing acts as regards data collection by the Agency.
Consultation documents
Evaluation of responses and responses
No evaluation of responses is available.
- 20120726 ACER_Transaction Reporting.xls
- A2A Trading response.pdf
- AET response.pdf
- AIGET response.pdf
- BDEW response.pdf
- BG Group response.pdf
- BP response.pdf
- Bryok response.pdf
- Bundeskartellamt response.pdf
- EAI response.pdf
- ECT-Group response.pdf
- EDF response.pdf
- EFET response - Part 1.pdf
- EFET response - Part 2.pdf
- EFET response - Part 3.pdf
- EnBW Trading GmbH response.pdf
- Enel Group response.pdf
- Energie Nederland response.pdf
- Energy UK response.pdf
- ENTSOG response.pdf
- EON response.pdf
- EURELECTRIC response.pdf
- Eurogas response.pdf
- EUROPEX Response.pdf
- Eustreams response.pdf
- ExxonMobil response.pdf
- Fortums response.pdf
- FSA response.pdf
- GDF SUEZ SA response.pdf
- GEODE response.pdf