PC_2013_R_01 - Public consultation on technical requirements for data reporting under REMIT
Regulation (EU) No 1227/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2011 on wholesale energy market integrity and transparency (“REMIT”) entered into force on 28 December 2011. REMIT introduces provisions to improve integrity and transparency in wholesale energy markets and establishes common rules on the prohibition of market abuse in wholesale energy markets. It envisages the collection of wholesale energy market data and the monitoring of wholesale energy markets by the Agency and the enforcement of the prohibitions against market abuse at national level. REMIT, in its Article 8(2) and (5), confers powers to the European Commission to adopt implementing acts as regards data collection by the Agency.
This public consultation papers are intended to collect views from all parties interested in the implementation of REMIT (market participants, organised markets and other persons professionally arranging transactions, financial regulatory authorities, etc.). The Agency invites all interested parties to provide comments to the two consultation papers by 7 May 2013, 12.00 noon, Central European Time, please use the email address provided on page two of each document.
The deadline is extended until 13 May 2013, 5 pm, Central European Time.
In order to ensure transparency and full involvement of stakeholders, the Agency will organise a public workshop in Ljubljana on 25 April 2013, from 12.00 to 16.30, to collect stakeholders’ views on the on the public consultation documents. A workshop programme will be available online as soon as possible. Please consult ACER web page from time to time regularly to get the latest updates.
Consultation documents
The Agency presents for public consultation two key documents:
Evaluation of responses and responses
- Evaluation of Responses of the Public Consultation on the Registration of RRM and RIS is in Annex I, page 26
- Evaluation of Responses of the Public Consultation on Technical Standards for Trade Reporting is in Annex VI, page 204
- A2A Trading (2).pdf
- A2A Trading.pdf
- Assoelettrica (2).pdf
- Assoelettrica.pdf
- BDEW (2).pdf
- BDEW.pdf
- BP.pdf
- E.ON (2).pdf
- E.ON.pdf
- ECT-Group.pdf
- EDF Group (2).pdf
- EFET (2).pdf
- EFET.pdf
- ELENGY.pdf
- ELEXON (2).pdf
- ELEXON.pdf
- EnBW Trading (2).pdf
- EnBW Trading.pdf
- ENTSO-E (2).pdf
- ENTSO-E.pdf
- Eurogas (2).pdf
- Eurogas.pdf
- Europex (2).pdf
- Europex.pdf
- Eustream.pdf
- Fosmax LNG.pdf
- Gas Infrastructure Europe.pdf