PC_2014_R_02 - Public consultation on ACER’s Trade Reporting User Manual (TRUM) for trade reporting under REMIT
In October 2013 the Commission presented a draft of the implementing acts (the ‘draft Implementing Acts’) to be adopted pursuant to Article 8 of Regulation (EU) No 1227/2011 on wholesale Energy Market Integrity and Transparency (‘REMIT). The draft Implementing Acts provide that the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (the ‘Agency’) shall explain the details of the reportable information referred in Article 4 of the draft Implementing Acts in a user manual. On this basis, the Agency is currently preparing a Transaction Reporting User Manual (TRUM), in which the details of the reportable information will be explained.
According to the draft Implementing Acts, the reporting obligation under Article 8 of REMIT will start applying six months after the entry into force of the Implementing Acts only as regards transactions, including orders to trade, in relation to standardised contracts and derivatives related to those contracts. Therefore, the first release of the TRUM will focus primarily on explaining the details of the reportable information related to these transactions and orders to trade. The TRUM will be expanded, to cover the records of transactions in transportation contracts and non-standardised supply contracts, at a later stage.
This public consultation paper is intended to collect views from all parties interested in the implementation of REMIT (market participants, organised markets and other persons professionally arranging transactions, financial regulatory authorities, etc.) on the TRUM.
The Agency invites all interested parties to provide comments to the consultation paper on the first release of the TRUM, and especially answers to the consultation issues listed in this consultation paper, by 5 May 2014 12.00 noon, Central European Time, to Remit.PublicConsultations@acer.europa.eu. All comments received will subsequently be published on the Agency’s website.
In order to ensure transparency and full involvement of stakeholders, the Agency will organise a public workshop in Ljubljana on 3 April 2014, from 12.00 to 16.00, to collect stakeholders’ views on the public consultation document. Please consult the Agency’s website to get the latest updates.
Consultation documents
The Agency presents for public consultation two key documents:
Evaluation of responses and responses
- A2A Trading.pdf
- AIGET.pdf
- BDEW.pdf
- BP.pdf
- E.ON.pdf
- EAI.pdf
- ECT-Group.pdf
- EFET.pdf
- ELEXON.pdf
- ENBW.pdf
- Energie Steiermark Group.pdf
- ETR Advisory.pdf
- Eurogas.pdf
- Europex - Part I.pdf
- Europex - Part II.pdf
- FIA GFMA.pdf
- Gazprom.pdf
- Griffin Markets - Part I.pdf
- Griffin Markets - Part II.pdf
- HSE.pdf
- ICE Endex and ICE Trade Vault Europe - Part III.pdf
- ICE Trade Vault Europe - Part I.pdf
- ICE Trade Vault Europe - Part II.pdf
- IFIEC Cefic.pdf
- Individual citizen.pdf
- Oesterreichs Energie.pdf
- OGP.pdf
- OMV.pdf
- PGNiG.pdf