PC_2014_R_04 - Consultation on ACER’s Manual of Procedures on Fundamental Data Reporting under REMIT
In October 2013, the Commission presented a draft of the implementing acts (the ‘draft Implementing Acts’) to be adopted pursuant to Article 8 of Regulation (EU) No 1227/2011 on wholesale Energy Market Integrity and Transparency (‘REMIT’).
The draft Implementing Acts provided that the Agency shall establish procedures, standards and electronic formats for reporting fundamental data. On this basis, the Agency is currently preparing the Manual of Procedures on Fundamental Data Reporting. The reporting obligation will start applying at a point in time after the entry into force of the Implementing Acts, where this date will be defined.
The present consultation paper describes the purpose of the Manual (please see Section 3). It also includes a number of consultation questions on the draft Manual. The first release of the Manual is expected to cover the following aspects:
- How fundamental data should be submitted to the Agency;
- The population of fundamental data fields;
- Data quality and integrity;
- Electronic formats.
The present consultation paper is intended to collect views from all parties interested on the Manual, inter alia, ENTSO-E, ENTSOG, TSOs, Storage System Operators (SSOs) and LNG System Operators (LSOs).
The Agency invites all interested parties to provide comments to the consultation paper on the Manual of Procedures on Fundamental Data Reporting, and especially answers to the consultation issues listed in this consultation paper, by 1 August 2014 5 August 2014 12.00 noon, Central European Time, to
Consultation documents
The Agency presents for public consultation the below key documents: