Recommendations 20.12.2021 ACER Recommendation 02-2021 on Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management Regulation (CACM 2.0) Annexes ACER Recommendation 02-2021 on CACM - Annex 1 - CACM Regulation ACER Recommendation 02-2021 on CACM - Annex 1a - CACM Regulation TC ACER Recommendation 02-2021 on CACM - Annex 2 - SO Regulation ACER Recommendation 02-2021 on CACM - Annex 2a - SO Regulation TC ACER Recommendation 02-2021 on CACM - Annex 3 - IIA on MC organisation ACER Recommendation 02-2021 on CACM - Annex 4 - CACM Reasoning ACER Recommendation 02-2021 on CACM - Annex 5 - SOGL Reasoning ACER Recommendation 02-2021 on CACM - Annex 6 - Public Consultation Reports 17.12.2021 ACER Report on the Result of Monitoring the Margin Available for Cross-Zonal Electricity Trade in the EU in the Second Semester of 2020 in th Nordic region Publications 22.11.2021 ACER Position Paper on Incentivising Smart Investments to Improve the Efficient Use of Electricity Transmission Assets Reports 17.11.2021 ACER Report on the Implementation of the ITC Mechanism in 2020 Publications 15.11.2021 ACER's Preliminary Assessment of Europe's High Energy Prices and the Current Wholesale Electricity Market Design Publications 11.11.2021 ACER Monitoring of the Implementation of the Grid Connection Network Codes - Updated Analysis Reports 04.11.2021 ACER Market Monitoring Report 2020 – Electricity Wholesale Market Volume Annexes 13-01-2022 Corrigendum MMR 2020 - EW Reports 11.06.2021 ACER Consolidated Report on the Progress of Electricity and Gas Projects of Common Interest (2021) Annexes 2021 - ACER PCI Monitoring Report - Annex 1 - Electricity 2021 - ACER PCI Monitoring Report - Annex 2 - Gas Reports 02.06.2021 ACER Report on the Result of Monitoring the Margin Available for Cross-Zonal Electricity Trade in the EU in the Second Semester of 2020 Annexes Overview of National Approaches to Compliance Assessment ACER Report on the result of monitoring the MACZT Derogations Corrigenda to the ACER MACZT Report in the Second Semester of 2020